My husband uses WordPress for his blog, but I use Blogger. Because it's so much easier. He is his own host and mine is Blogger - cheaper (as in free) and easier.
Anyway - I have a few questions that, if anyone knows the answer to them, I'd appreciate it - about Blogger. I've been visiting some Blogger blogs lately that have a new kind of background and layout - one which I can find no mention of anywhere. Here are a few examples:
Notice the clever edges of the writing area and the background? I love these and I've been seeing variations of this new style all over the blogosphere and I'm coveting them. I've done Google searches for "Blogger styles" and "Blogger backgrounds" and other searches along those lines, but I haven't found any reference for how this new style is accomplished.
In addition, there is evidently a new Blogger Editor, which I have now subscribed to - and some people have lost entire portions of their blog because of it:
I sure hope that doesn't happen to me. I didn't even know there WAS a new Blogger editor until I searched for it under "Layout" and noticed an area where I could choose "old editor" or "new editor". I held my breath and clicked, "new editor" to see what would happen - and my blog looked the same.
Of course, this is the first post where I'm actually USING the new editor - it just looks like it gives you more formatting options is all, but we shall see how it affects things once I publish this post.
I know when people who use Wordpress switch to the latest version, there is often much gnashing of teeth. It seems like such a waste of time to constantly be working on the same thing, tweaking it, because a new version has killed some things and enabled unknown other features.
That's it for today - if anyone knows now to acquire those neat new contrasting background, decorating thingies for Blogger, let me know. Thanks!!