It's Wednesday morning and I'm getting ready for work. Once I leave work today, it's a 4 day weekend.....YAY!!
What really cheers me up is the fact that we are getting TONS of rain. We've not had any rain for weeks and my husband and I just re-sodded our front yard (because we had to). We've been watering and watering and our water bill looks like our electric bill. Yikes!!
So - it's a gray, watery day - being from the Northeast it's a day I love. I can feel cozy inside and light candles (after work, of course). Florida's relentless sunshine in the winter sometimes becomes....tiresome. I know there are people in the colder climes who will want to clock me right in the jaw, but it's true. There are times I long for a cloudy, rainy day to just be inside. Sunny days tell me I have to get outside and do yard work, and perhaps run errands - and there is so much to do. Rainy days tell me to sleep later, read a book, light a candle, listen to the rain on the roof.
My front yard will love it - and it will save us some money. My flowers and butterfly garden will be renewed. No matter how much I water my garden, it seems to do much better when the water comes from the sky - maybe it's the chlorine and fluoride in our water, I don't know - but what comes from the sky restores the bright flower colors and the green grass.
I'm thankful for:
my salvation
my Lord Jesus Christ
the rain
that I still have a job!!!!
that my husband still has a job!!
my home
my garden
more than enough to eat
living in America
To everyone - have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!