Sunday, May 6, 2012

Busy May

Friday night seemed like the lead-in to a relaxing weekend.  Notice I said "seemed".  We are getting new windows on our house on May 14 and 15, and so I had to trim back the Cape Honeysuckle and other bushes away from the windows in the back yard.  It looks bare - but they will grow back in time for October's Painted Buntings to find a place to hide again.

It's getting hot, too hot to work outside for hours at a time, but I managed to trim the bushes, rake the debris into a huge pile (for bagging later), mow the back yard (it hadn't been mowed yet this year and now the grass is getting high), and work inside the house.

That's another story.  About 2 months ago my husband and I went to Ikea and bought new bookcases for my room (real pine to replace pressboard ones), as well as a kitchen hutch.  All three of these had to be put together and the bookcases had to be spray painted with polyurethane.

This past weekend, I finally finished putting the kitchen hutch together, took out the old piece of furniture to be repurposed on the porch (took out the two old bookcases that were out there already and gave them away).

Also - my husband's coworker sold him a much bigger TV than the one we had for $150., which is a lot cheaper than a brand new one.  It's quite nice and my husband is happy, but we had to switch around the bookcases (full of books) and other furniture in the living room to fit the bigger TV into the room.  He did the heavy moving, and I did the re-decorating and replacing of items of decoration.

So - to recap - my husband and I, between us, yesterday and today, changed the living room furniture around, which entailed taking lots of books off bookshelves and putting them back, trimmed the bushes away from the windows in the back yard - and finished arranging the repurposed furniture on the screened in porch.

All this, plus laundry, vacuuming, straightening up and grocery shopping.  We got so much done, though, it is very satisfying.  

Yesterday morning, before we began all our tasks, hubby took a picture of my Squeebles, my Maine Coon kitty boy.  Here he is, ever mellow:

Wouldn't it be great if the kitties could help?  Unfortunately, they don't.  We've thought of putting little booties on their feet so they can dust the floor and furniture, but they are not orderly in their perambulating, so they would just spread everything around instead of capturing it in one place for pick up.

They sure are stress busters, though.  Especially my baby above.  He loves to be cuddled and he is an armful!!  He must weight more than 18 or 19 pounds.  He likes to sit in my lap facing outward, and I can then put my nose in his neck fur and sniff and give him rubbies with my nose. 

Now it's just about time to go to bed and tomorrow is Monday of another work week.  Hope everyone out there, whether they work in the home or outside the home, has a FABULOUS Monday.