Monday, April 21, 2008

Maybe Something New

For many years my husband and I have wanted to move away from where we live. It's too crowded, too much concrete and city people. We've talked and talked about where we would live. I have come to love Florida and would love to live in North Florida or Georgia - somewhere more rural, but with soft seasons. My husband, on the other hand, has always known where he wants to go - the Northwest.

He is going on a job interview in a few weeks for a job out west - Eastern Oregon, to be more exact - and the thought thrills me and frightens me at the same time. One thing is for sure - how we would sell our present home is a mystery, since the housing market is so severely depressed. I know that our future is in God's hands. I also imagine trying to tell my elderly parents that we won't be 2 hours away any more. That, if it occurs, will be very hard to do.

Part of me is so ready for a change. And part of me is terrified of change. One day at a time - my husband may not even get the job, or, if they do offer it to him, they may offer a poor salary - only time will tell now.


Anonymous said...

Hey, just catching up. Will be praying that God will make His will for you clear. Love, Cathy

Susan Humeston said...

Thanks - we sure need it!!