Saturday, July 2, 2011

WHAT?? 2 Days In A Row???

Remember how I said I had lots of plans yesterday? husband and I found the horse farm (thanks to him) and got the manure ("if my baby wants horse sh...., then I have to get horse sh.....for her").

The manure was in a semi-enclosed area and there were empty horse feed bags to fill.  My husband did the shoveling and I did the bag holding.  We took 2 partially filled bags (so we could lift them).  There's more where that came from!!!  

Once we ran a few other errands and got home, I donned my garden apparel - men's boxer shorts, a baggy shirt, socks and sneakers, along with my trusty new sun protecting hat from the Army/Navy store.  I raked.  I weed wacked.  I raked some more.  It was 90 degrees.  I drank a lot of water.  I rested.  I raked some more.  Finally, the piece de resistance.  I got out the lawn mower and mowed what was left.  Hubby then took over and mowed the area behind our fence (we should have built our fence farther back, but we thought we had to leave a "right of way" for the power folks - turns out we didn't.)  God only knows what the heck was growing out there.....then he mowed the front yard and we were finished.

I immediately took my bougainvillea scratched, very dirty, sweaty and hot body into the shower and washed every square inch.  After this, I drank copious amounts of seltzer water, grapefruit juice and powdered vitamin mix and crashed in my easy chair in front of my computer.

In between all this activity I found time to take my camera outside and photograph a few more flowers and growing things.  

Without further ado, here they are.  In my anti-Morning Glory choking Stephen King vine war, I noticed that the old tree trunks all the way in the back were sprouting mushrooms galore.  A few days ago we were in drought territory - not a mushroom in sight.  Today - after a few days of lots of rain.....a veritable cornucopia of mushroominess.  I couldn't get over how some of them looked like high rise condos for bugs.  I liked the color of them, too - too bad they're most likely dead poisonous. 

Next - YES - Blogger is letting me type in between photos today!!!  More flowers:

These are very very tiny pink flowers that appear for about 2 hours a day in the morning and then disappear.  I have no idea what this plant is, but I saw it growing in the grass this spring and fell in love with it.  I pulled some up and put them in a pot with good soil, and there they grow.  I want to transplant them in the same area where I have the Sensitive Plant growing - they can jockey for position.

Last - another lavender like annual and another view of my Sensitive Plant flower with it's leaves underneath it, so you can see what the leaves look like, too.

Next job - spreading some of that horsey gold around the plants that look a little lackluster. 

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